ImageDream: Image-Prompt Multi-view Diffusion for 3D Generation

ImageDream: Image-Prompt Multi-view Diffusion for 3D Generation
We introduce "ImageDream," an innovative image-prompt, multi-view diffusion model for 3D object generation. ImageDream stands out for its ability to produce 3D models of higher quality compared to existing state-of-the-art, image-conditioned methods. Our approach utilizes a canonical camera coordination for the objects in images, improving visual geometry accuracy. The model is designed with various levels of control at each block inside the diffusion model based on the input image, where global control shapes the overall object layout and local control fine-tunes the image details. The effectiveness of ImageDream is demonstrated through extensive evaluations using a standard prompt list. For more information, visit our project page at

Summary Notes

Revolutionizing 3D Object Generation with ImageDream

The field of 3D generation is witnessing a major shift, thanks to ImageDream, a groundbreaking technology developed by ByteDance researchers.
ImageDream is set apart by its use of an Image-Prompt Multi-view diffusion model to create 3D objects. This method surpasses the quality and fidelity of existing image-conditioned generation techniques.
Here, we'll explore how ImageDream works, its impressive results, and the future it paves for 3D object generation.

How ImageDream Works

ImageDream marks a significant advancement in creating 3D models through a combination of a unique training pipeline and a sophisticated control system. Here's a closer look at its components:
  • Training Pipeline:
    • Multi-view Images: Generates multiple views of objects using a fixed camera setup, feeding into a diffusion network.
    • Score Distillation: Employs diffusion networks for both 3D and NeRF models, improving accuracy with image-prompt score distillation.
  • Camera Setup: Uses a consistent camera angle to match the object's front view, improving the transition from 2D to 3D and accuracy.
  • Control System:
    • Global Controller: Manages layout and coarse features.
    • Local Controller: Enhances image details based on the prompts.
    • Pixel Controller: Enhances detail at the pixel level during diffusion.

Testing and Results

ImageDream was tested extensively, proving its superiority in geometry and texture quality over existing methods.
  • Dataset: Included both 3D rendered objects and real images.
  • Performance: Surpassed competitors like Magic123 and MVDream in geometric and texture quality.
  • Metrics: Used Inception Score (IS) and CLIP scores to confirm its high-quality model and accuracy.

Looking Ahead

ImageDream has significantly pushed the boundaries of 3D object generation, offering improved geometric accuracy and detail fidelity. Future developments could include:
  • Diverse Inputs: Expanding to handle a variety of image inputs.
  • Enhanced Controls: Adding more sophisticated mechanisms to its control system for complex scenes and objects.

Impact and Considerations

ImageDream opens new avenues in digital content creation but also prompts ethical considerations around its use. It's crucial to use such powerful generative models responsibly to prevent misuse.

Learn More

For more details on ImageDream, its methodology, and results, visit the project page at You’ll find comparative performance data, implementation insights, and more.
ImageDream illustrates the potential of advanced image-prompt techniques in 3D object generation, setting the stage for future innovations in digital content creation.
As this technology evolves, its applications could significantly expand, leading to unprecedented digital experiences.

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Athina AI Research Agent

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