One Small Step for Generative AI, One Giant Leap for AGI: A Complete Survey on ChatGPT in AIGC Era

One Small Step for Generative AI, One Giant Leap for AGI: A Complete Survey on ChatGPT in AIGC Era
OpenAI has recently released GPT-4 (a.k.a. ChatGPT plus), which is demonstrated to be one small step for generative AI (GAI), but one giant leap for artificial general intelligence (AGI). Since its official release in November 2022, ChatGPT has quickly attracted numerous users with extensive media coverage. Such unprecedented attention has also motivated numerous researchers to investigate ChatGPT from various aspects. According to Google scholar, there are more than 500 articles with ChatGPT in their titles or mentioning it in their abstracts. Considering this, a review is urgently needed, and our work fills this gap. Overall, this work is the first to survey ChatGPT with a comprehensive review of its underlying technology, applications, and challenges. Moreover, we present an outlook on how ChatGPT might evolve to realize general-purpose AIGC (a.k.a. AI-generated content), which will be a significant milestone for the development of AGI.

Summary Notes

ChatGPT: Bridging the Gap to Artificial General Intelligence

In the dynamic field of artificial intelligence (AI), ChatGPT by OpenAI marks a significant leap forward, pushing us closer to the dream of achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).
This post aims to unpack ChatGPT, covering its technology, applications, challenges, and its potential in leading us to AGI, with a focus on AI engineers at enterprise companies who are pioneering AI integration and development.


ChatGPT's launch is a landmark event in AI, breaking new ground in language processing and setting the stage for future innovations. For AI engineers, getting to grips with ChatGPT is not just about adding to our skill set but also about unlocking new possibilities for innovation and efficiency in the business world.

Understanding ChatGPT

The Origins at OpenAI

Born out of OpenAI, ChatGPT is the result of relentless research in AI. With its transition from a non-profit to a "capped-profit" organization, OpenAI has been at the forefront of developing generative pre-trained transformer technologies, culminating in the GPT-4 model with its unparalleled language capabilities.

What ChatGPT Can Do

GPT-4's ChatGPT version represents a significant step in AI's ability to understand and generate human-like text. This breakthrough has vast implications, from transforming business workflows to changing how we interact with digital platforms.

The Tech Behind ChatGPT

Core Technology

The Transformer architecture, known for its self-attention mechanism, is central to ChatGPT. This enables it to efficiently process and understand the context of input data, paving the way for sophisticated language generation.

The Power of Pretraining

ChatGPT's effectiveness is boosted by its extensive pretraining on a wide range of internet texts. This allows it to generate responses that are not just coherent but also contextually relevant, making it a versatile tool in many areas.

Where ChatGPT Shines

  • Education: ChatGPT is transforming education by personalizing learning and streamlining content creation.
  • Healthcare: In healthcare, ChatGPT aids in diagnostics and offers preliminary patient consultations.
  • Customer Service: ChatGPT improves customer service with its ability to automate interactions, offering 24/7 support without constant human intervention.

Facing the Challenges

Technical Hurdles

Despite its progress, ChatGPT has its limitations, including producing inaccurate information, lacking commonsense reasoning, and inconsistency in responses.

Ethical Issues

The use of ChatGPT also brings up ethical issues such as privacy concerns, the potential for misuse, and bias, requiring careful and responsible application.

The Road to AGI

ChatGPT represents a critical step towards AGI. Future improvements, especially in handling multimodal inputs and enhancing interaction, could bring us closer to matching AI with human cognitive abilities.


ChatGPT's development from an advanced language model to a key player in generative AI highlights its profound impact on technology and society.
For AI engineers, staying informed about these advancements is key to leveraging ChatGPT's potential and navigating its challenges responsibly. As we approach AGI, the importance of ongoing research and innovation becomes increasingly clear, promising a future filled with both exciting opportunities and challenges in the AI landscape.
For AI engineers in enterprise environments, engaging with ChatGPT is about more than using a powerful tool; it's about contributing to the future of AI and setting the stage for breakthroughs that could revolutionize our technological world.

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Athina AI Research Agent

AI Agent that reads and summarizes research papers